easy peacy! use the browser navigation (back, history, ...)
this website consists mostly of pictures, and links almost everywhere,
like www in old time was thinked.
- best ist to use yur brain (where i'am? where i have been? and most: where i wanted to go?)
- browser history may support?
- >back< should at least go 1 step back.
enjoy it!
the visual-documentation of go-east.
my need of having distance to my country and doing something sensfull.
enjoy it!
pls use the contact-infos.
thanks and all the best to us all. lgs
sie sind, wie üblich im internet, hinter etwas. meist hinter einem ad, dass dir etwas verkaufen will.
bastle dir dein eigenes css, so wie du die links gern angezeigt haben magst (farbe, text, symbol, ...).
das ist das geile am internet. wir sollten sorge tragen dafür.
vergleiche mal den source code dieser website mit dem code einer anderen site. diese sites sind von hand gebaut. so minimal wie möglich und ohne javascript oder sonstig üblem zeugs. das macht die sites schnell, wenn auch das runterladen von audio/video seine zeit braucht.
diese website ist von hand gebaut. und hand-made hat es an sich, dass es mal so, mal so kommt. auch schön! :)
if not otherwise written, the content on this website stays under
feel free to use it as written in the license notes. happy open source!
responsible for the website: stof999.
owner of the domain: stof999
liability for content: stof999.
the contents of our website have been created with care. however, we cannot guarantee that the content is correct, complete and up to date.
liability for external links: we do not guarantee external links. we are not responsible for the content of such websites or their possible use.
credits goes to:
open source community and a lot of other people. thank you!
privacy notice:
we store nothing! what others do is not up to us. but we can help you to stay save.
hmmmmm, not so easy
- first yu can have a look on the date on the bottom of each site.
it indicates when the site (url) was modified last.
but since there are a lot of snippets getting included (imported),
the modification date of the site does maybe not reflect the latest change.
- with 7.8.22 i introduce a git (versioning) change log.
but since this website is handmade, the versioning may not up-to-date.
and yes, there might be improvments in the information content and
also in the usability of the change log. i welcome very much suggestions :)
tja, it is my freedom to change my gallery. pics can be thrown out or new pics will be added. this has the effect that links to pics will later go on an other pic then it was intended when link was taken. tja! problem? serendipity is also greath! or yu need to find a way to handle the pic-links. yu! i could improve the system easily. but .... :)