gör(=haus in marwari), hadri(=how the local call our town)
UTC+5:30 asia/calcutta
it was very lovely, görhadri, and interesting out over the end, even with such an end. but start at the beginning if yu like to see something of it. the beginning is here on the end, on the very bottom of this document. complicated, i know. but this is live. at least sadri/görhadri live. incredible :)
tja, alles hat mal ein ende...
overdue: 73269573
nach meinem complain wegen zu viel bezahltem, gab es noch ein flehentliches "please pay the bill!" (erstes "bitte" einer indischen verwaltung!), und seither hörte ich von denen nichts mehr :)
#pics202108-9 cc-by-sa stof999
SunPos: { "_version": "1.2", "lang": "en", "latitude": 25.18, "longitude": 73.43, "date": { "date": "2025-03-13 06:09:33.662893", "timezone_type": 3, "timezone": "Asia\/Calcutta" }, "timezone": "Asia\/Calcutta", "elevation": "-9.56", "azimuth": "88.71", "sunrise": "06:47:12", "transit": "12:45:43", "sunset": "18:44:14", "isDay": 0, "isMorning": 0, "isNoon": 0, "isAfternoon": 0, "isEvening": 0 } thanks to: https://github.com/KiboOst/php-sunPos
thanks to:
#solar-6 cc-by-sa stof999.ch
when india-way is not working then görhadri-way! best tschugaar!